HappinessAt night AST, I crushed the vegetables on a plastic chopping board. I produced them with a black plastic spatula because they are heated in non -wood frying pan. Later, I put some of the residues in a transparent plastic tub. All very natural, even unique, for a quiet night, or think. But what if this average Bang’s middle evening actually ruins my health?
Over the past few months, a continuous bombing of scientific news and research on the potential dangers of humble plastic products ambushed in our kitchens has shouted. The equipment you use to stir your food while warm? They may be washed carcinogenic in your pasta sauce. Thinking about warming the same pasta sauce in a plastic container in the microwave for your lunch? Think again. Doctors apparently warn of the possible risk of dementia in relation to doing so (I suddenly feel that I am much smuggled to the habit of cooking). And then there is a scary “chemicals forever” that may be hanging in your old and scratched pan.
It’s all very worrying things. And if this is just at your service to put you out of cooking at home, it apologizes in advance – plastic food containers are another potential evil. In February, one study found that eating them often may increase the risk of congestive heart failure by 13 %.
So what is the best period of action after having a brief existential crash on how our kitchens are full of invisible sabotage? Should we round all our black belongings and bring them out, the damn environment? Should we retreat to the forest to adopt a completely wood -based existence? Is there a realistic way that we can reduce the risks, given that it is very impossible to avoid completely?
Perhaps the most malicious case of the kitchen is a black plastic spatula (or a fish cutting, or a spoonful of spoon, or in fact anything that is made of which you probably use to move your food around a hot pan). So what does this special genre make the containers so bad? To break down, we need to take a closer look at how they are made.
Automatic recycling devices try to detect black plastic because the red red lights used to sort them are absorbed by dark pigments, so they are often finished or burned at the landfill. But Black is a popular perennial color for kitchen products (perhaps because of the vagueness of minimalist, or because you can easily match it with the things you already have). And since manufacturers use more recycled materials in their black plastic, they have found themselves in a situation where demand has surpassed the supply.

They have obtained this deficiency using black plastic of electronic waste: home appliances such as TV, computers and coffee machines, only name a few. All of this may seem good theoretical-in an environmentally friendly way, even. But these home appliances tend to be treated with fire inhibitors to prevent them from burn if overheated. And those chemicals, known as the flame preservative or BFR, can be toxic to humans. Studies have linked them to the problems of the endocrine system and cancer. To make things more confusing, it is often very difficult for buyers to say whether their black plastic appliances originate as electronic waste, or are made of new materials.
Microplastic is small and adolescent plastic parts that are invisible to the naked eye, which are almost pervasive in modern life
Last year, research published in the journal Chemical Analysis of more than 200 black plastic products, the type of items you usually expect to find in each home. They found that flame -resistant chemicals were 85 % of products – and among the highest levels of chemicals, the black spatula was humble. This is especially worrying because every time you use it, for example, rotate on an omelette or prevent frying on the floor of a pan, the spatula is warmed. And this heating process can cause BFRs to disappear and end your dinner. A separate study in 2018 previously showed that flame inhibitors from containers can be transferred to hot cooking oil.
But these are not just black plastics that are the potential cause of concern. For example, a chopped board that has seen better days may have poured the microbes into our food. The same thing about the beaten plastic container that keeps your prepared meals carefully. Microplastic is a teenager plastic components that tend to be invisible from the naked eye, which are almost pervasive in modern life. They are in the air, in our food system, in the water. You’ve probably heard about the damage they cause in the oceans of the world.
“Over time, you see that the number of microplastic particles in the environment has increased dramatically,” says Dr. Rachel Adams, a cardiovascular biochemistry singer at the University of Cardiff, who specializes in toxic particles. “You can produce charts against the amount of plastic and the amount in the environment. So we know that there are many of them.”

Adams adds: Microplasty has been found in body tissues and even in the brain. If “you consume them in food”, “you can absorb them”, and the fine particles can “pass through the cell membrane” and build, because the body “has no mechanism to pull them”. So, over time, we are “more and more exposed to them”. In fact, the study of the dementia that I mentioned earlier has discovered that the average human brain is about the size of a standard plastic spoon. The microplasty level was three to five times higher in people with dementia. Other studies have highlighted potential issues such as inflammation, increased risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attack or stroke, and reproductive health disorder.
But when we look beyond screaming titles and put this in the text, the image is a bit more delicate. Yes, Adams says, “Historically, exposure to particles is associated with harmful health results.” But at present, not all long -lasting studies on the effects of microplastic (even if sometimes scary statistics appear to be everything). “There have been a few small studies that show, yes, there are harmful effects,” he said.
However, there are “clear evidence” of the health consequences of “chemicals forever” in non -sticky pots. Non-stick coatings tend to prepare from per-and-and-polyfluoroalkyl material, a group of chemicals known as pfa. They excrete oil and grease and make them very useful in cookware (they are found in some food packages as well as clothing and stains resistant). But this can produce these chemicals for thousands of years (hence the “forever”). They also “with reproductive problems, delay in growth, cancer associated [and] Adams says change in safety performance. ”
In addition, both PFAs and microplastic are hydrophobic (so they do not mix or dissolve with water) so they tend to afford. “This can mean that microplasts actually bring hydrophobic toxins like PFA,” Adams adds. “So it can be that exposure to PFA and microplastic is a kind of synergy. It is a little worrying.”
It may have a synergy impact to be exposed to PFA and microplastic
Dr. Rachel Adams, a cardiovascular biochemical singer
But it is also important to put these risks into the text. Adams points out: “You do not want to get rid of microplastic exposure using plastic items.” “People are worried about water bottles – should I drink from a plastic bottle of water? This can give you a few more microplasts. But there are now many microplasts in the water.” He adds, “If anyone is really concerned about microplastic particles,” but for example, they are a smoker.
It seems that the best way ahead is to try and reduce the amount of plastics you regularly use without stabilizing the difficult task to deprive them of life completely. It is worth prioritizing from things that tend to be exposed to heat, as this is the time when toxic chemicals are likely to disappear. You can replace your plastic items for the equivalent of wood or stainless steel.
If you want to stick plastic containers in the microwave when heating your dinner, take extra seconds to separate it in a bowl or on a plate – or you can look for a safe microwave glass tub (metal containers may look fashionable in your refrigerator, but for better reasons). It should also be noted that the heat and friction of a dishwasher can cause the plastic to be eliminated over time, which can also release microplastic.
Most modern non -stick pots are typically safe for cooking until you use them at extremely temperatures and replace them if they scratch, as this can expose you to toxic chemicals. Or, you can look for cooking without PFAS (this is more expensive than your average set of pots). In essence, it does not have to be about the main repairs of your lifestyle, but rather to create a clever replacement over time and a close look at the life of your kitchen products. You apologize in advance to my black and white spatula-you are going to make a one-way trip to the bucket.