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All-Star NBA game: College student wins $ 100k after beating Damian Lillard in the 3-point race

A college student has just been rich in $ 100,000 after defeating a NBA star, Damian Leilad in a three -point shooting race.

During the game of NBA All-Star, Sunday, Jarren Barajas, a large 18-year-old business company at Los Median College, participated in the $ 100,000 YouTube challenge, where he competed with Leilad Milwauk Box to see if he could make a shot point Before Lelalard, he can make three goals in a three -minute interval.

Although Lelalard was able to make two baskets, Barajas won a successful shot in his last second to win the award.

“This will mean the world for me, it helps my family, and it is definitely my future,” Barajas said after victory. Associated PressHuman “I hope, this will help me pay for my education – which he wants.”

Barajas also recalled his father’s recommendations in the game. “It was going down to the wire, we were 30 seconds, and my father always tells me to use the back,” he said. “That’s what I have to do to enter.”

Barajas (left) intends to use this money for your training
Barajas (left) intends to use this money for your training (YouTube/NBA)

Leilad to AP That he was happy to see a college student win. “I went there and made the first two and I don’t want to say that I lost my goal, but I didn’t do it,” he said.

“I was trying to shoot. I was trying to make quality. I was happy to see her true excitement. It is for someone to change life.”

The NBA has announced that it will donate $ 50,000 to the newly established Auckland Leilad scholarship, which will help the nine high school in the East Gulf as well as $ 50,000 to the Auckland and San Francisco boys and girls.

This is not the first time MRBEAST has registered a professional athlete to attend an amateur. In December, he facilitated a race between the retired NFL, Tom Brady and Jake Balanovic, the high school attack line.

Brady and Balanovic were tasked with collecting four balloons with a football. The balloons were increasingly farther away, and the farthest balloon needed to throw 50 yards into the pop. To make the race more fair, the balloons were smaller than Balanovich.

Mrbeast brought adolescent classmates to encourage him during the race. Brady even confessed that it was impressed and punched Balanovich after successfully obtained its balloons.

Although the two were neck and neck during the race, a high school student first won all his balloons and won the $ 100,000 prize.

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