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Meta, Google accused of “censorship” for blocking women’s health advertising but allowing erectile performance campaigns

Online operating systems are claimed to block posts and advertising about women’s health while allowing erectile dysfunction posts.

A group of FEMTECH companies – jobs involved in technology products that deal with women’s health and welfare issues – have accused Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, along with LinkedIn, Google and Amazon, “systemic fanaticism and discrimination” against women’s health content.

They said these operating systems have given reasons “vague and contradictory” to block frequent blocking, eliminate and limit content about women’s health, including menopausal posts, endometriosis and infertility.

This week, six British and European companies have issued official complaints about the operating system to the European Commission, which regulate the digital service law, social media sites and search engines.

HANX advertisement for women's sexual desire supplement for menopausal women

HANX advertisement for women’s sexual desire supplement for menopausal women (Hanks)

They have requested to investigate the moderation policies of the operating system – which they say are “biased” against women – and find out why women’s health content is eliminated or limited.

“We have some evidence [of] Several cases of accurate and medical expert content have been blocked or known as “adult or” political “, said the founders of the Anti -Censorship Election Group, CensShip, Clio Wood and Anna O’Sulivan.

“If we can’t talk about our body using proper anatomical language, we cannot improve women’s health.”

In one example, a company that causes lubricants for women who are struggling with painful sex, eliminate their training posts on endometriosis, post -birthday retrieval and vaginal health from LinkedIn to promote “illegal products and services”.

A breastfeeding support program had an advertisement limited to Instagram because they showed a picture of breast milk. It was also not allowed to use the word “nipple” in training posts.

An ad was deleted by Google because it showed an image of a lactating baby

An ad was deleted by Google because it showed an image of a lactating baby (LactApp/Google)

And although meta -classes do erectile dysfunction as a health situation and enable advertising for treatments, it has repeatedly blocked advertising and posts on a product that helps to enhance women’s sexual desire, citing their policy that is a ban on promoting “sexual pleasure or enhancing”.

One of the propaganda that was restricted under this policy said: “Finally, a natural sexual supplement … suitable for menopause, natural supplement with Gynae design.”

However, an advertisement was permitted to treat a man’s sexual desire, who said, “Are you tired of the anxiety of performance that ruins your erection? We have helped over 500,000 men to overcome erectile dysfunction …” I realized that I was more confident in sex. Almost like the age of 18 again. “

Bea Fertility, which sells home fertility test kits, said he tried to send charts and guides to use its products on its Amazon store page, but they were rejected because they contained the word “vagina”-though the word “semen” was permitted.

Graphics, which by IndependentIncludes practical medical recommendations such as: “Using it is not safe for you [the product] If … you have had vaginal/cervical surgery for the past three months. ”

They have been automatically rejected, with the fact that “these keywords violate our community’s instructions: vagina.”

The move was held by the women -centered investment and women’s focus, with companies including BEA fertility, intimate AquaFit vaginal health brand, Geeen and Hanx sexual health and well -being, LactApp Breastfeeding Program and Sustainable Daye Care.

They use these platforms to implement “clear and non -discriminatory advertising guidelines that protect them until they turn off women’s health conversations”.

An advertisement about erection disorder was upgraded without a problem

An advertisement about erection disorder was upgraded without a problem (Mojo/Facebook)

“When FEMTECH companies are experiencing digital suppression and censorship by large technology operating systems, they strive to reach customers and limit their ability to promote and generate income,” said Cristina Leeongberg.

He warned that this has not only restricted women’s access to health products and services, but also provides investors who provide research and innovation in women’s health.

Amazon said he did not use the word “vagina” against the Bea fertility store or products. It has said that there are several products that include the word sold through its site.

A spokesman for LinkedIn said: “Our policies express what exists and is not permitted. Educational content or awareness of health issues is permitted in LinkedIn until it does not upgrade specific products or services. If a writer believes that their content is incorrectly deleted, they will have an attractive option and we will have a second look.”

Meta and Google did not respond to comment requests.

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