Parents who complain about Tiktok claim that the program “wants to respond” and “accountability” with the death of their children.
Four British families deprived of a wide range of video sharing platforms in the United States and its parents have filed an access to access to their children’s social media accounts.
They told BBC Sunday with the program Laura Quinnsberg that access could clarify what led to death while a mother asks “Why is we given data? How can we night Sleep?
The wrong death petition claims Isaac Kenwan, 13 years old; Archie Battersbee, 12; Julian “Jules” Sayini, 14; And Maya Walsh, 13; They all died in 2022 injuries while participating in online challenges.
It accuses Tiktok for pressing dangerous jokes and challenging films to children to increase the time of interaction in the platform.
The families of Isaac, Archie, Jools and Maia claim that their children died in Tiktok after the so -called “silent challenge”.
According to Tikutok, it does not allow content or promotes dangerous activities or challenges, and actively finds 99 % of the deleted content to break these rules before reporting to the company.
During a group interview with each of the four children, Isaac’s mother claimed that the platform still allowed harmful content, including challenges.
Lisa Kenwan said with Laura Quinsesberg on Sunday that Tiktok expresses the stories of “the same company statement” that appears in the media.
“This is an insult,” he said, adding that families were looking for “accountability.”
I trusted that request (to the police that I wanted to make the Maya data) from the platform of his death, that was what I trusted and made a mistake – I was so mistaken to trust that
Maya Walsh’s father Liam Walsh
He told the program that his son’s last video shows him that he laughs every time he passes.
“He has been influenced by something or someone who has watched these challenges about Tiktok,” he said.
Ms. Konvan said March 8, 2022 was “a very normal day”.
“We came home, I was cooking dinner, he was upstairs, and he was a little practical joke … He didn’t answer when I called upstairs for dinner, so I didn’t think that Unusual – then I was disappointed with the third call.
“So I went down the stairs, took a hammering garage, went upstairs, pulled down the door, and it was there that I anesthetized Isaac.”
He died the next day.
“One of his films” had a Tiktok symbol at the bottom “,” said Kenwan, but the police did not know if the site was sent to the site because they “no longer search for history”.
“So I’m left, what did he do about those movies, have they been sent?”
Hearing your talk, Liam (father of Maya Walsh) returns me directly to that night. I told the detective that night, where I was sitting with the body of Jules between my father and I said, “Get Jules phone and use face recognition and turn yourself into a pin”
Mother Jools Sweeneey Elllen Roome
When he allowed Isaac to load the program while locking, he thought that Tiktok was “safe” and “fun”, and users in “innocent challenges” including “bottle flip, yarn, () The challenge of ice buckets participate.
Maya’s father said his daughter had asked him to load Tiktok and “he was dead for almost six months.”
Liam Walsh explained to the police, “I want to shatter his data” about 15 minutes after seeing his body “because nothing else means why this baby should finish this way, nothing ”.
“I trusted that request from his death, that was what I trusted and made a mistake – I was so mistaken to trust it,” Mr Walsh told Laura Coinzberg.
Jules’s mother, Ellen Rom, works for the Jools law to give parents the right to access their children’s online activity after death.
“There are extensive similarities about how all four children live in a very similar way, and we all believe that this is a relationship with Tiktok,” he told the BBC program.
Ms Roum spoke after Maya’s father told her daughter’s death and said to her, “Liam, Liam, takes me directly that night.”
“I told the detective that night, where I was sitting with the body of Jules between my father and I – I said,” Get the Jules phone and use the face and adjust yourself to a pin. “
He said the agents told him that they were not manipulated on the phone, but they could not access it later.
Five months later, Jules’s closest friend guessed his pin by offering his name in number.
Ms. Rom said, but the data had been cleared until then.
Early in the program, the deputy prime minister of Angela Rainer was asked if she thinks that children in Tiktok are safe due to the family petition.
He said, “I’m worried about this, and my heart goes to those families … I am a mother myself and when you hear what happens and what children are exposed to and what they can See online, it’s really dangerous.
“This is one of the reasons that the online bill is afraid … which is being implemented in March, because our children need to protect it.”
The Legal Center of the United States Law Resources (SMVLC) for the parents of children who harm social media, on behalf of families, formed the petition in Delaware.