A Norwich pizzeria has declared war on pineapples and is charging £100 for a Hawaiian to turn customers away from the controversial practice.
Lupa Pizza recently added a ham and pineapple pizza to its food delivery app, captioning it: “Yes, for £100 you can have it. Order champagne too! Go, monster!”
“(We) really hate pineapple on pizza,” said Frances Wolff, one of Lupa’s co-owners. “We feel it doesn’t suit pizza at all.”
Another owner, chef Kevin Giannoran, said they keep canned pineapple in the restaurant in case someone orders it, but that hasn’t happened yet.
As pizza has become globally popular, foreign innovations in toppings have often baffled Italians.

A January 2024 poll by British polling and research firm YouGov found that more than 50% of Britons either love or like pineapple on pizza, 16% disliked it and nearly 20% hated it.
Some famous British figures have weighed in on the debate, with former politician Ed Balls saying pineapple on pizza is a “terrible” idea.

Hawaiian lovers took to Lupa’s social media in defense of the topping, and one user said: “Pineapple on pizza is life.” Another said that Lopa’s fight with pineapple was “great harmless marketing”.
At the Norwich pizzeria, customers were divided.
Simon Graves, 40, said putting pineapple on pizza is wrong and should not be done. But Johnny Worsley, 14, said Hawaiian was his second favorite after pepperoni.
But I wouldn’t pay £100 for it. I don’t think anyone would.