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World Women’s Day in Number: How to fight for equality is still backward

Women around the world are still faced with significant inequality when paying for, jobs, work at home and access to health care, the latest analysis figures Independent Obvious

Since World Women’s Day is revealed more than 100 years after the first celebration in 1911, this magazine takes a deeper look at the progress of global equality.

To celebrate the day, Independent He has decided to highlight 50 influential women who change British life, some of which have to fight sexism and discrimination to achieve their success.

From judges to politicians, sports heroes to artists and influential, this list is a widespread look at women who are making changes.

In many ways, women in the UK have seen great steps towards gender equality that have improved the rights and representation at the level of performance over the past few decades.

But there are constant problems, while women still do not receive equal wages, and some of the progress of deeper gender inequality. In the UK, women still have an average of less income than men and are worse than other organizations for economic and development (OECD) than other organizations.

Women in Nigeria celebrate World Women's Day, which was first identified in 1911

Women in Nigeria celebrate World Women’s Day, which was first identified in 1911 (Copyright 2025 Associated Press. All rights are reserved.)

Women are also vulnerable to home abuse with one -in -four people in the UK who experience home abuse throughout their lives, while a woman is killed every 5 days.

At the international level, there have been significant steps back with the Taliban’s suffocating training for women, while the United States falls for abortion.

HereIndependent It looks at gender equality in the UK and around the world, and progress in women’s rights and where more work is needed.

Women at work

In general, the British gender wage gap is 13.1 %, meaning that an average woman earns 13.1 percent less than a man to hour. Although this is under the global gap of gender payment, the UK is worse than other OECD countries, where the wage gap is only 11.6 %.

This is more because more women work part -time, and part -time workers tend to make less income per hour. Of the 16.4 million women working in the UK, one -third work part -time.

On the positive side, among full -time workers, the wage gap is 7 %, the lowest record in the UK. According to the UN statistics, this is much lower than the world average 20 %.

According to government statistics, women in the UK have 71.8 percent of the employment rate. The male employment rate is not very short of 78.2 percent.

This has been a remarkable progress since 1971, when the employment rate for women was only 53 percent in the UK.

A man carries bars of flowers purchased from the flower market on the eve of a world female day in Moscow

A man carries bars of flowers purchased from the flower market on the eve of a world female day in Moscow (Copyright 2025 Associated Press)


Britain has appeared as a polar for female business owners, according to a woman, almost half (46 %) of all female entrepreneurs Review 2024Human

And at the highest level, more than 4 in 10 managers in FSE 100 Company There are women, such as Amanda Blanc in Aviva and Marguerita Dela Wall in Woodafon.

In the financial sector, only 12.5 percent of fund managers worldwide are women. Citywire Alfa Woman Report with Britain’s backwardness slightly behind the global average.

Other asset areas are some of the worst criminals for gender equality that women occupy Only 10 percent of senior roles In private shares and 4.9 % in investment investment companies.

Women have the most representatives in the health and education sector.

The majority (77 %) of health care workers and social care in the UK are women, with government figures show. According to the employment company, which includes some low -income jobs.

However, Britain has taken important steps in women’s rights and equality, based on gender equality around the world. PWC women’s index at workHuman

“Research shows that increasing the rate of participation in women’s workplace has the potential to increase productivity in the British economy,” said PWC analysts.

Home abuse

Gender equality goes far beyond equal wages and workforce opportunities. It also requires the abolition of abuse, patriarchy, and social norms that cause women to be harmful. And sometimes, in physical risk.

Last year, In Independent Launch Brick by brick Campaign with Home Charity Charity Refuge

The campaign to collect £ 300,000 to build two homes as a shelter for home abuse survivors in the UK. After only six months, the campaign has increased with £ 584,608 beyond its target, and one of the homes has already been built.

The scale of home abuse in the UK is largely in privacy, but for many women it is a daily reality.

About 1 out of 4 women in the UK experience home abuse throughout their lives, while a woman is killed every 5 days.

According to a new survey of it, most English (74 %) are not aware of the high prevalence of home abuse on their doorstep Refugee, While many are also unable to identify less explicit forms of abuse.

Non -physical forms of abuse include economic and psychological abuse, such as separating a person from their family and their friends or following the cost of someone to coercion.

According to shelter research, men are significantly lower than women who can identify these “red flags”.

“Abuse does not always look in the way we expect it. In small moments, calm control and quiet manipulation. There is no red flag to be taken into consideration, because every woman deserves life without fear.”

Homework load

Despite the greater number of women in the workforce, many studies show that the burden of home work and child care is still a long way to distribute the same distribution.

Part of the reason is that more women are part -time work than men. And for women who work all the time, it often leads to the imbalance of responsibility.

A new study from the University of Baths showed that the majority (71 %) mothers run home work that requires mental effort, such as meals planning, home finance management and activities.

Mothers in the UK also have twice as much as the daily work at home, fathers, mainly cleaning and child care.

The emergence of long distance work has only worsened the situation.

Women who work remotely add more than 4-8 hours of housework every week, enhance existing gender inequality, studying heterosexual couples in the UK Singapore National University foundHuman

Meanwhile, men who worked from the house had a little change in the burden of their home.

Senhu Wang and Cheng Cheng, authors of the report, writes: “These patterns of intensified gender inequality are more prominent in everyday home work (cooking, washing and cleaning).”

“Instead of providing” the opportunity “to divide more equality than homework, use [flexible working] Under traditional gender norms, “exploitation” preserves or even exacerbates women. “

Women in the world

Gender equality is a fundamental human right. But many women around the world face increasing threats to their rights and health in 2025.

In the United States, abortion in 14 states is completely forbidden, while the other six states abortion between six and fifteen weeks of pregnancy. When many women still don’t know they are pregnant.

Since Roe V Wade overturned in 2022, Reproductive rights have been confronted with crawling restrictions In the United States, right -wing activists who surround the Donald Trump administration have even gone so far The proposal to limit PreventionSee it as “potential abortion”.

And the total dismantling of US foreign aid will probably be Lasting impact on women and girlsAs 1 million loss is lost every week to prevention, midwives and mothers’ health care are not used for many women in the remote areas of Africa.

According to the World Health Organization, about 287,000 women die each year of the causes of pregnancy. And while women in the UK are far less at risk, pregnancy is deadly for parts of southern Sahara Africa.

In South Sudan, the death rate of 1,223 mothers per 100,000 live births is the highest in the world. Women need access to safe delivery, skilled midwives and mothers to survive.

It is estimated that 736 million women worldwide have experienced rape or rape – 798,000 of them are in the UK each year.

It is not just the Taliban in Afghanistan that prevents women from studying. According to UNESCO, 122 million girls are out of school worldwide.

The dangers that women face are as outbreak as always, and it is important to continue to fight inherent prejudice and obvious violence against women.

There is no gender equality until all women, around the world, have equal rights.

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